Sargasso was an installation commissioned by the 2011 LuminaTO festival, a two week long,
city-wide festival celebrating the arts in Toronto. The installation was named after the sargasso
in the middle of the Atlantic ocean, a conglomeration of foreign materials that is an
eco-system in its own right. Sargasso is likewise a metaphorical embodiment
of a living scaffold that has the potential to build up on itself.
professional work completed with Philip Beesley Architect in Toronto, Ontario
role of co-lead designer and coordinator of schematic design, design development, production,
and installation.
The sculpture consisted of an outer veil that swept
down to the floor and back up again, creating an enclosure and a place of pause in the Brookfield
Place Gallery in Downtown, a space that is always on the move. Above and overlapping this enclosed
area was an inner veil that consisted of a rich and layered reactive environment that used Arduinos and
microprocessors to trigger physical movements and sounds in response to occupants.